"A planet of 7 billion people, a number that is growing every minute,
is likely to face increased conflicts over scarce resources.
So unless we begin to use our resources efficiently, we are likely to
reach tipping points that will not only harm our own well-being, but
also that of our future generations." Jeffery Sachs
The decisions we make today will define our tomorrow.
"I come as an elder without an agenda," was David Suzuki's opening words at PowerShift BC 2013 in Victoria, Coast Salish Territories, B.C. Canada. In this passionate speech, he closes acknowledging that the indigenous people have what we need now.
PowerShift BC is a gathering in Victoria, B.C., Coast Salish Territories, October 4-7, 2013 for youth that focuses on climate justice. Hundreds of youth from diverse backgrounds have come to learn, develop their skills and build the movement for climate, environmental and social justice.
There are some people, professors, students, scientists, activists, citizens, and participants in an effort to move toward sustaining the planet - THANK YOU FROM FUTURE GENERATIONS! At least SOMEONE is TRYING to protect the planet and its resources In my research on this subject and trying to find any effort worth blogging about, I ran onto the Earth Institute and their efforts. I could write about their actions and spirit, but I decided just to present them to my readers from their own perspectives. I could not say it or present it any better. So I give you THESE SOLUTIONS from THEM with hopes that you can understand the logic behind these life and death issues of our time, the reason for sustainability measures. It is necessary for each person to be engaged beyond our current engagement as individuals. We can do something. We can make a difference. We can stand for something. Whether it is via blogs or Facebook or other social media, the public has a say and if that say grows big enough, it will soon become a popular political agenda rather than a too-controversial political agenda. We must STOP the forces that are ONLY concerned about their profits.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
The Earth Institute brings together the people and tools needed to address some of the world's most difficult problems, from climate change and environmental degradation, to poverty, disease and the sustainable use of resources.
Facing the Global Challenge

By blending scientific research, education and practical solutions, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, is working to help guide the world onto a path toward sustainability.
The Institute, under the direction of Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, comprises more than 30 research centers and some 850 scientists, postdoctoral fellows, staff and students. Working across many disciplines, we study and create solutions for problems in public health, poverty, energy, ecosystems, climate, natural hazards and urbanization.
At our largest research unit, the renowned Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, some of the world's leading scientists study geology, oceans, freshwater systems, climate and atmosphere. Our scientists map the ocean floor and measure the movements of ice sheets; they bore into ancient trees and pull cores of mud from the sea bottom to uncover secrets of past climate; they chart the flow of ocean and the swirl of atmosphere around the planet. Millimeter by millimeter, they measure the movements of the earth's crust as it thrusts up from far below or dives down into subduction zones. This fundamental knowledge about the dynamics of the earth is key to addressing our biggest challenges.

We focus on the protection of earth's environment and the spread of social and economic opportunities for all people. We believe that dealing with issues such as extreme poverty must involve tackling issues such as environmental degradation, and lack of access to health care and education. Our work reflects the fundamental belief that the world possesses the tools needed to effectively mitigate climate change, poverty and other critical issues.MORE from Earth Institute at Columbia
Examples of Earth Institute Initiatives
Water | ||
Climate and Society | ||
Energy | ||
Urbanization | ||
Hazards | ||
Global Health | ||
Poverty | ||
Food, Ecology and Nutrition | ||
Ecosystems Health and Monitoring |
Published on Feb 2, 2013

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs started the session with a comparison between a frog and the human race. Quoting studies, he said that a frog was likely to jump out of the water if heated fast enough. However, through gradual increase in the temperature of water, it was possible to kill the frog. His question was whether humans will jump out of the mess fast enough to save themselves? This analogy formed the basis of his session. Using the example of the USA, he pointed to the weather extremities and natural disasters experienced in just the last year. However, the politicians have been slow to respond. He pointed out that the three landmark treaties addressing climate change, biodiversity, and desertification, while brilliantly crafted have failed in being implemented.
Highlighting the paradox of technological innovations, Prof. Sachs mentioned that the problem contains within itself the solutions to those problems. Risks are the counterparts of technological know-how. Using the example of MDGs, he emphasized on the need for clear plans of action and defined goals to address the problem of climate change with the active participation of civil society
A planet of 7 billion people, a number that is growing every minute, is likely to face increased conflicts over scarce resources. So unless we begin to use our resources efficiently, we are likely to reach tipping points that will not only harm our own well-being, but also that of our future generations. The decisions we make today will define our tomorrow. MORE from Earth Institute at Columbia
It is in this context that DSDS 2013 deliberated upon 'The Global Challenge of Resource Efficient Growth and Development'. For more information, visit 2014 summit site
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
— Wendell Berry
Wikipedia Commons
Earth Law Center Advancing Rights for Waterways
Advancing Rights for Rivers to Oceans
Our environmental laws are premised on the fundamental assumption that the natural world – including waterways and fish – is essentially property that is ours to use to advance our desires. We can choose a better alternative: to recognize the inherent rights of waterways and fish populations to exist, thrive, and evolve, and to establish a water governance system that guides our behavior in acknowledgment of those rights.
This governance model is not new. Indigenous peoples have long understood their environment as having an intrinsic value of its own, and acted accordingly. Water was essential to life, a sacred and respected partner, and it could not be bartered or sold. Indeed, indigenous groups today still describe salmon as “relatives” who are “necessary for the continuation of life.” MORE
This blog is totally awesome! This parody is so appropriate.