Wednesday, October 9, 2013



The Shell Oil Company wants to drill for climate-destroying fuel in the heart of the polar bear's habitat, where an oil spill could prove catastrophic. Russian rig active in the Arctic. 

Can Shell Oil avoid the same mistakes of the 2010 gulf oil spill in the Arctic? Miguel Marquez reports.

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This April, four young people will attempt something truly unique: to trek to the North Pole and lower a flag 4km to the seabed. Attached to the flag will be a capsule containing more than two and a half million signatures calling for a sanctuary in the uninhabited area around the pole.

Leave a comment to encourage them on their grueling 

journey, and follow their progress at 

The team is not made up of Arctic explorers but members of a global movement three million strong. They are Ezra Miller, actor/musician from New York, USA, Josefina Skerk of the Sami people in Northern Sweden, Keira Kolson, a Tso'Tine-Gwich'in youth from the Northwest Territories, Canada, and Renny Bijoux from the Seychelles.

Timelapse footage Helheim Glacier: Gordon Hamilton / University of Maine

Published on Oct 8, 2013

Documenting the Global Day of Solidarity in support of the 'Arctic 30'. Tens of thousands of people participate in more than 200 events held in 49 countries throughout the world. A Russian court has this week charged twenty-eight Greenpeace International activists, as well as a freelance videographer and photographer, with piracy. The charges follow a peaceful protest against Arctic oil drilling at a Gazprom oil platform in the Pechora Sea.


Global warming bringing tensions in Arctic region, a special report


The Arctic covers eight countries, including the United States.
Diverse landscapes – from the sea ice to coastal wetlands, upland tundra, mountains, wide rivers and the sea itself – support abundant wildlife and many cultures. Of all of the wildlife in the Arctic, the polar bear is the most fitting icon for this  region. Its amazing adaptation to life in the harsh Arctic environment makes it an impressive species. See what World Wildlife is doing in the Arctic.

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